Shown here is our rate card.

Within it you will find  our standard pricing structure.

We also have a series of long term deals available which we have called our ‘Olympic Packages’.  Details of these deals can be found by clicking the image on this page.

Olympic Packages represent fantastic value for money and offer huge savings over sporadic advertising. In most cases the discounts and additional benefits given by long term advertising will make it cheaper to start a campaign with us than to advertise on an ‘ad-hoc’ basis.

Our distribution area is shown here inside the circle (Run your mouse over the Image and click for a larger view)


“Local Advertising at its Best!”

Website designed by Paul Bugge -  PL7 2012

Welcome to the Warren Publishing PL7 website. Here you will find access to all our advertising magazines.  You can also find out  about our fantastic competitions and our new QR Codes - the future of advertising!

Click the cover to see this months PL7 magazine on-line!

Read the Magazine

PL7 Magazine now includes Plymtalk
